Seminario "The EFL Mixed ability classroom - Mixed ability or Mixed blessing?"
Part of the strategy "Honouring Achievement, Rewarding Excellence and Promoting Continuity"

Our teacher support events are designed for language educators who are already preparing or are planning to prepare their students for a Trinity exam.
Teachers will be invited to engage in conversations on themes that are at the heart of the Italian school system and which have always been near and dear to Trinity:
• motivating students in their learning pathways;
• planning in continuity between school cycles;
• teaching language skills that are authentic and relevant;
• exploring opportunities and challenges presented in the mixed ability language classroom.
We are bringing to you a new and innovative way of working together, with the aim of developing a real and proper Community of practice.
The Trinity Café, also available on SOFIA, is a place where language teachers and educators can share their experiences and learn from each other, a place for those new to Trinity to ask questions, and a place for us all to experience deep and meaningful conversations about those things that really matter to us.
We have chosen to host our Trinity Cafés in Italian schools in our commitment to reach out to all teachers, in every province of Italy, so that we can learn and share from each other.
Take away resources will be made available to all teachers participating in our Trinity Cafés.

08:30 – 09:15 Registration
09:15 – 09:30 Opening announcements
09:30 – 10:00 Plenary for all participants
10:00 – 10:45 Break
10:45 – 13:00 Café Part I
13:00 – 14:15 Break
14:15 – 16:00 Café Part II


No two students are the same and because of this, not only many classes consist in a variety of language proficiency levels, but there may be differences in learning styles, maturity, motivation, and personalities. This diversity can bring some challenges, but it also provides teachers with many opportunities to vary their classroom activities.
Join our Trinity Cafés to explore best practices and engage in conversations about differentiating classroom activities while exploring the opportunities offered by Trinity’s learning pathways and examinations.
This innovative and collaborative format involves teachers working in small groups to learn from each other and share activities that address the challenges encountered in today's classroom.
In our Trinity Cafés we will be experimenting with strategies and activities to reach all learners’ full potential so that all students are given the chance to demonstrate their competence and skills, while leaving nobody behind.
Together we will take part in discussions and share ideas and activities to plan our English lessons for mixed ability classrooms.
Take away resources will be made available to all teachers participating in these Café.

Docenti di lingua inglese delle scuole statali e paritarie di ogni ordine e grado
Condizioni di partecipazione
La partecipazione è gratuita. Verrà data priorità ai docenti che stanno preparando i propri studenti agli esami Trinity. L'iniziativa formativa è a numero chiuso e l'iscrizione online è obbligatoria. Trinity College London - Italy è un Ente accreditato dal MIUR per la formazione (Decreto 27.01.2001 confermato con Decreto 05.07.2005 ed adeguato alla Direttiva 170/2016). E' previsto l'esonero dall'insegnamento secondo la normativa vigente.

Piattaforma SOFIA

Questa iniziativa formativa è inserita su S.O.F.I.A., il Sistema Operativo per la Formazione e le Iniziative di Aggiornamento predisposta dal MIUR con il numero identificativo 33039


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